Fireside Chats: Gone Dogman Huntin’ with Aaron Deese

This week, we have another favorite guest of the show; new father, author, podcaster, and editor-in-chief at Paranormality Magazine, Aaron Deese. We talk Dogman, authorship, the future of Paranormality Magazine, and the joys of fatherhood. This was a fantastic chat with an old friend. Please go and support him in everything that he does, but…

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77: Episode 77 – The Myrtles Plantation

Just twenty years after the founding of our nation, General David Bradford, also known as “Whiskey Dave” of the Whiskey Rebellion, fled the United States to avoid arrest and imprisonment. Bradford arrived at Bayou Sara, then a Spanish Colony, and obtained a land grant of 650 acres from the Baron de Corondelet to begin a…

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Fireside Chats: The Power of Healing with Lady Ann Selene

This week, we have a returning guest; one of our favorite people to have around the campfire, Lady Ann Selene. She is the author of Aperture In the Veil: Born In a Preternatural World, the owner and operator of KPNL Radio, and the host of Caravan: Library of Lore podcast. We pick up where we…

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76: Episode 76 – The Baltic Sea Anomaly

In June of 2011, Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åberg and their Swedish OceanX diving team discovered a feature visible on an indistinct sonar image while treasure hunting on the floor of the northern Baltic Sea at the center of the  Gulf of Bothnia. The seemingly remarkable circular shape of the object led to tremendous amounts of speculation….

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Fireside Chats: Divination Round Table

This week, we are beyond blessed to have Joy Johns, Bizzy Blank, and Karly Latham sitting down to discuss all things divination! We go deep on tarot, Oracle, rune casting, the Akashic records, bibliomancy, and something that Joy has taken to calling chaos readings! We also take a dive into the ladies’ personal histories with…

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75: Episode 75: The Gowrow

This week, we discuss another piece of grade A choice Americana. The Gowrow is a twenty foot long reptilian monstrosity with ten-inch claws, giant tusks, and a spine lined with bony spikes leading to a razor sharp tail! According to Arkansas legend, these beasts roam the forest of the Ozarks looking for cattle to eat,…

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Friday Night Fright 6

Tonight’s first tale is a spin on one of the most popular creepy pastas of all time. A group of young friends find themselves in a remote cabin for the weekend and our leading man wakes from a drunken slumber to find something that no one would ever have expected.  Our second story dives into…

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74: Episode 74: The Aswang

This week, we discuss the Aswang; a shapeshifting monster usually possessing a combination of the traits of either a vampire, ghoul, or witch, in Filipino folklore. Many accounts describe a being possessing an amalgamation of some or all of them. We get into some shockingly modern accounts that include events that involved missing children, monster-hunting…

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Fireside Chats – The Haunted Midlands with James Alexander

This week, we’re sitting down with fellow podcaster and hot new star on the voice acting scene, James Alexander. This guy has a wealth of incredible paranormal stories from his life and the life of his immediate family. It was an honor to get a tour of just the tip of the iceberg this time….

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73: Episode 73: Charterhouse: Remastered

This week, we revisit and rework a classic story from way back in August of 2021. Sit back and let updated sound design and a new approach to mastering transport you… …deep in the craggy bluffs of the Mendips in Southwest England, to the isolated hamlet of Charterhouse. Standing in stark contrast to this area’s…

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