66: Episode 66 – The Ackley Family Haunting

In 1967, George and Helen Ackley, along with their four children, moved into their dream home in Nyack, New York. This stunning eight-bedroom Victorian was built in the first decade of Nyack’s existence with a gorgeous view of the Hudson River. Little did they know, they would go on to forge a working relationship with…

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Fireside Chats: Entrepreneurship in the Paranormal with Jack Kirby

This week’s guest is none other than the intrepid editor-in-chief at Paranormality Magazine, Jack Kirby. Jack has built several wildly successful businesses over the last 20 years and has finally found a way to combine his unique approach to entrepreneurship and his love and fascination with all things Fortean. We dive deep into his young…

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65: Episode 65 – The Man from Taured

In 1954, a man landed at Haneda Airport. All seemed to be normal until he produced a passport the likes of which had never been seen. According to his exceptionally legitimate looking documents, he hailed from a nation named Taured. What transpired in an effort to legitimize this man’s claims truly boggle the mind. We’re…

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Fireside Chats: Bumps in the Night with Derek Olson

This week, we have a true blue experiencer. Derek Olson is someone who has lived with the paranormal alongside him his entire life. We discussed a wide array of phenomena, some genuinely quite terrifying, and landed on some pretty fascinating theories on what is behind a few of his more harrowing experiences. He was also…

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64: Episode 64: The Pentyrch Incident

A cold winter’s night in south Wales back on February 26, 2016, was anything but ordinary in one Welsh town. In a scene equal parts terrifying and theatrical, multiple witnesses reported seeing a huge UFO and other lights along with military planes, helicopters, a chase, explosions, shaken buildings, an apache helicopter landing with its cockpit…

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Fireside Chats: Cryptid Comforts with Lisa Russell

This week, we had the pleasure of sitting down with the owner and operator of Cryptid Comforts. She has spent the last eight years filling the market and our hearts with some of the most adorable and beautifully designed stuffed cryptids. She is a certified veteran of the paranormal conventions circuit and offers a truly…

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63: Episode 63 – The Beast of Busco

This week, we’re headed into our own backyards to discuss an epic Indiana legend. The Beast of Busco first showed its face in Fulk Lake over a century ago. The original owner’s live-and-let-live approach would be radically abandoned by his successor in 1948. Gale Harris would embark on a campaign to expose the massive alligator…

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Fireside Chats: Ecology of Souls with Joshua Cutchin

This week, we had the pleasure of speaking with Fortean philosopher extraordinaire, Joshua Cutchin. To say that this guy has been prolific since his first book, Trojan Feast, in 2015 would be an understatement of criminal proportions. In the last seven years, he has penned a series of in-depth books on various aspects of paranormal…

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62: Episode 62 – The Warminster Thing

In the early days of 1965, rumors began to spread through a small English town. Bizarre sounds had been heard on the morning of Christmas 1964, which would be followed by a long period of odd sightings. Soon, Warminster was swarmed by UFO enthusiasts, who wanted to learn all about “The Thing.” This week, we…

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Fireside Chats: The Paranormal Catalyst with Joe Turino

This week, we had the honor of sitting down with a new friend of the show. Joe Turino is a certified grade A ghost hunter. He’s a member of War Party Paranormal in South Florida and the host of the podcast Greetings From Floweirda. We had an amazing chat about the history of paranormal experiences…

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