51: Episode 51: The Crosswick Monster

In the years straddling the turn of the last century, a series of sightings and encounters with an enormous, seemingly amphibious beast that actively transitioned between rectilinear and quadrupedal locomotion sent the people of Southwest Ohio into a frenzy. We tell the terrifying tale of two brothers whose scrape with this bloodcurdling behemoth left one…

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Fireside Chats: The Bizarre Life of Mark Austin Steele

On this week’s episode, Jordan had the pleasure of catching up with one of his oldest and dearest friends. Mark Steele is a writer, a brilliant musician, and a bit of an amateur philosopher. He is the guy that Jordan spent most of his twenties trying to make sense of the world with. Tonight we…

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50: Episode 50 – The Bennington Triangle

In the 1940s, a series of mysterious disappearances brought to light a devastating phenomenon that had been plaguing the residents of Southwestern Vermont. This week, we take a look at the Bennington Triangle. Known for the full range of Fortean phenomena, from UFO sightings and spook lights to legends of hairy hominids and living carnivorous…

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Fireside Chats: Spiritual Alchemy with Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson

This week, we sat down with Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson. She is a healer, medium, reiki master, and spiritual alchemist. She’s the author of Master In the Making and The Theory of Eight, and the host of the Spiritual Alchemy Energy podcast. We discuss how she came to find her gift and a few fascinating and…

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49: Episode 49 – The Santa Catarina Flyers

Flying humanoids have been reported hovering in the skies above cities both small and large throughout human history. This week, we discuss a series of particularly bizarre encounters that took place across Eastern Mexico in the early 2000s. Starting with an encounter found in  the official reports of multiple police officers in 2004 and working through…

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Fireside Chats: Shadow People and the Nature of Bigfoot with Gregg Martin

This week, we caught up with Gregg Martin. He is a very old friend. We came up together in Indiana’s hardcore scene. He’s one of the few people that became a lifelong friend. He is the mastermind behind Reverent Music and a certified weirdness enthusiast. We hear all about his experience with shadow people and…

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48: Episode 48 – Haunted Highways Pt. 2: The Uniondale Ghost

Precipitating from a tragic motor accident in 1968, a series of bizarre and frightening encounters with a ghostly young woman near Uniondale, South Africa would soon become legend. This week, we revisit the theme of haunted highways and discuss the Uniondale Ghost. Join us as we attempt to make sense of the prevalence of these…

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Fireside Chats: UFOs, Bigfoot, and the Ghost of Betty Washington with Jonathan Dodd

This week, we managed to pull one of our favorite people of all time away from his busy schedule long enough to sit down for a Fireside Chat. He is a brilliant artist, experiencer, and something that we appreciate above all else, he is genuinely curious. Jonathan Dodd is the designer of our Pope Lick…

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47: Episode 47 – David Booth and Flight 191

May 25, 1979, was one of the worst days in American aviation history. It was the day when American Airlines Flight 191 crashed minutes after taking off from O’Hare Airport in Chicago. One of the engines came away from the wing which resulted in significant damage to the wiring and hydraulic systems of the plane….

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Fireside Chats: Saving the World One Curse at a Time with Greg Morrill

This week’s guest is a very special human. The man behind All the Weird. The fearless leader of the Cryptocasters on Clubhouse. One Jordan’s fellow contributing writers at Paranormality Magazine. A bastion of curiosity and compassion; of oddity and authenticity; a gentleman and a scholar. Greg Morrill. We had a fantastic chat about Bigfoot, UFOs,…

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